⭐️ Check our terms:
✔️ PayPal payment? No problem, DM me on discord: OnlySour3#0596
✔️ Poduct warranty for 24/7 till you are fully satisfied.
⭐️After buying you'll get an E-mail from @Shoppy.gg with:
✔️ You can use it everywhere and worldwide, without any risk, on your personal Amazon Account.
✔️ Impossible hold with this because is Gift Card not a Store Card, is just a key to enter on your account and increase 250$ on balance, you don't need to wait any days or something!
✔️ The details are in the Shoppy mail.
⭐️Refund or replacement for product invalid?
✔️ Yes, we do refunds/replaces if the product is invalid or you just don't want to use it anymore.