AMAZON Gift Card Generator & Checker - BRAZIL

AMAZON Gift Card Generator & Checker for BRAZIL

At the moment of writing this, I'm using Firefox vers. 68, so please make sure you've Firefox at the version 68.

Pre-requisits before using the Checker:

  • have a physical address set up on Amazon
  • have an item (no digital products) in your basket

How to use the Generator:

  • create your own pattern
  • type how many codes you want to be created
  • choose a file name
  • done

How to use the Checker:

  • fill in your Amazon account credentials (email & password) - the Checker will then auto login and continue the job
  • type the file name of the generated codes
  • let the Checker do the work
  • profit

Make sure the files are in the same folder.


  • The price's in USD.
  • You're not allowed to resell it.
  • All payments are final, meaning no refunds or chargebacks.
  • TOS may change at my very own discretion and at any given time.